Welcome to our resource center

We are committed to helping others learn and use geospatial technology to make their business or project more successful.  So, we want to compile and share as much geospatial related information as we can.


The software section list information and links for some of the most popular geospatial software.


The data section has a curated list of useful geospatial data sources that can be useful to you, especially if you are just getting started.


The education section will provide you with links and information to various sources for learning and expanding your geospatial knowledge.


The article section is geared to provide general discussions and publications related to the geospatial industry.


The organization section will provide you with a list of various geospatial related organizations.


In this section you will find information on a wide range of gesopatial related software.

Commercial software


OS: Windows

Esri makes the most popular and most used GIS software. They have created and acquired software that is now all intetgrated into their ArcGIS Platform. ArcGIS provides a robust GIS solution that will support users in every industry with access from the desktop, online, and in the field. ArcGIS only works on the Windows OS, however, the server product can be installed on Linux as well.

Visit their website at www.esri.com

Learn ArcGIS is a useful site for learning more about their platform products.  Visit https://learn.arcgis.com


OS: Windows

MapInfo has been used by many business over the years. They were recently acquired by Precisely a new company formed when Syncsort and Pitney Bowes Software & Data (who had acquired MapInfo) combined. MapInfo was a simple to use desktop GIS software, but lacked the number of tools that ArcGIS had. It will interesting to see where it goes with Precisely.
Visit their website at www.precisely.com

Global Mapper:

OS: Windows

Global Mapper by Blue Marble Geographic is lesser known but is a great desktop GIS software package. If you need to analyse geospatial data this software has you covered and it is very reasonably priced. There are several powerful analysis tools that are included that ArcGIS would require you to buy additional extensions.
Visit their website at www.bluemarblegeo.com/global-mapper


OS: Windows

Maptitude Geographic Information System (GIS) software gives you the tools, maps, and demographic data you need to analyze and understand how geography affects you and your business.

Visit their website at https://www.caliper.com/maptovu.htm

Open source software


OS: Windows, Mac, Linux

QGIS is the most popular and most used open source desktop GIS software package. It started as Quantum GIS in 2002 and then the name was shortened to QGIS in 2013. Not only is the core product very powerful and easy to ues, there are so many plugins (extensions) that are available to add even more functionality. Unlike many of the commercial GIS software packages, QGIS is also available on both the Mac and Linux OS.
Visit their website at www.qgis.org


In this section you will find information and links to gesopatial data.


US Federal:

US States:

Note: States without links did not have secure websites (https) so no link is provided, but they may have data available


In this section you will find information about learning resources.




In this section you will find interesting articles, books, and videos.

Let us know if you have read an interesting article related to GIS or geospatial in general that you think would be good to share with others.


In this section you will find information and links to popular organizations.

Geosaptially Focused:

In no particular order